Broomstick Lace Scarf or Cowl

Also known as Jiffy Lace or Peacock Eye Crochet, uses a crochet hood and a large-sized knitting needle to create a lacy look or peacock eyes. Basic crocheting skills are required. Tuesday, November 30th, 6:30 -9:30 Reg. fee: $7.00 Carolyn Martin, Instructor

Snow Angel

This incredible snow angel is holding a pink bow with frosted greens. She has shinny halo, a white scarf, and her angel wings. Thursday, December 2nd, 6:30 – 10:00 Reg. fee: $7.00, Materials: $15.00 Anne Aussant, Instructor


This pretty girl is wearing a pink hat and a white boa. She totes gifts wrapped for the holidays. Thursday, December 9th, 6:30 – 10:00 Reg. fee: $7.00, Materials: $15.00 Anne Aussant, Instructor


Class Registration

Come to the Community House, view our upcoming class projects and sign up for a class!